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Dream | Grow | Connect | Inspire

Psychic Message Circle with Roberta

Enjoy an insightful evening of psychic messages designed to illuminate your next steps in creating a great life. Expect spirited conversation and some surprises, surrounded by supportive and likeminded community.


Your host guarantees that every guest will receive a minimum of two messages. One will be provided in response to anonymous questions. The other messages will be retrieved from your personal energy field.


Your host Roberta is a professional psychic medium working locally in the Niagara region. She owns Void of Course Crystals, located in Niagara-on-the-Lake.


Tuesday April 30th

& May 14th


Yoga by Abbey


Investment: $60.00


Breath & Sound Journey

The word for breath in Sanskrit is "prana". Prana refers to our life force energy. The breath is the first thing we connect with when we enter this world, and the last thing we connect with when we exit this world, it is quite literally our life force.


In this special journey you will learn about the power of connecting with your breath and review the mechanics of functional breathing for vitality. Together we will discuss the impact of the breath on the nervous system, adding meaning to our journey.


We will then experience the power of working with the breath through a series of consciousness raising ayurvedic breathwork practices both energizing and cleansing, and then calming and relaxing to the nervous system. Experience moments of bliss and discover that you have the power to shift your state of being with the tools that exist within you already. These are practices you will be able to take with you and practice on your own after our journey to raise your vibration.


Our breathwork practice will seamlessly lead us into our sound journey. Laying on the earth supported by props and feeling deeply relaxed from your breath practice, we will immerse ourselves in the powerful vibration of healing sound from the crystal singing bowls and other various sound healing instruments. Let go of all effort and surrender into a state of bliss while the frequency and vibration recalibrate your being.


The frequency and vibration of the crystal singing bowls have the potential to shift our brain wave state to a theta or delta brain waves. This is often described as a dream-like state, similar to when we are falling into our rising out of REM sleep. This state is extremely restorative for the nervous system, mind and emotions and even the hormones we secrete. Sound has the ability to bring healing to the entire body.


The specific notes of the crystal bowls also work with the chakra system, the energetic centres in the body, helping to clear energetic blocks and promote the harmonious flow of energy. Everyone's journey will be unique based on the state of the chakras. You are always receiving the healing and energy that your being requires to shift back into equilibrium.


Enjoy herbal tea and reflect in a journal to help you integrate your experience after your journey.


Receive free access to recorded breath practices from the virtual library to help you practice what you learned at home!


Sunday May 5th from 10:00am-12:00pm

at Yoga by Abbey


Investment: $60.00

Oracle Card Party with Nancy Drope

During this workshop, we'll first tune in with on open heart and mind to clear our energy. This will provide you with focus for setting clear intentions of receiving messages for yourself or others for the highest good.


Then we will discover how to ask the right question. Framing them with intention from your Soul's perspective which is very different then from your Ego's next fix. Understanding this will put your mind at ease to receive a sacred message. The workshop then moves into how to draw a card (including discussion on demystifying superstitions and Oracle card misuse).


Next, the fun begins with drawing cards, stimulating meaningful conversation, 'ah ha moments' and breakthroughs. Learning to use Oracle cards as a daily practice is a wonderful way to intentionally ground each day. Having this practice gives you knowledge and can provide insight and understanding about your personal journey. Waking up to these patterns is a process and the Oracle cards are a wonderful tool to gently awaken you to your way of being in the world and in relationship with others.


Oracle Card Workshops are a FUN way to honour your sacred self. The environment allows for sharing, in community and this is where the magic happens. Being witnessed in a sacred space creates a sense of safety for vulnerability to transmute into personal power. This workshop provides you with an opportunity to "Know Thyself" as quoted by the Oracle of Delphi. You will discover a space of deeper conversation when you step into the magic practice of the Oracle and it will be an elevated vibrational experience when you uncover a connection to your sacred Self.


Nancy does oracle card readings & workshops out of a desire to step into her purpose of helping people break free from ancestral patterns of self-sabotaging behaviours. Nancy studied with Colette Baron-Reid, International HayHouse Author and Oracle Expert, to become a Certified Oracle Guide. Enrolling in Colette’s Oracle School has been one of the most enlightening experiences of Nancy’s life, and has now inspired her to share her experience and understanding of Oracle Cards and their power, a true gift. She is now equipped with a skill set to lead you to shift you into your inner essence.


Attending a workshop or having a private reading done will begin your journey back to yourself.


This workshop includes snacks!


Mini Facial & Sound Bath

I am thrilled to be joined by the Calm Down Club's very own Cassandra Bradshaw in this unique holistic experience at Yoga by Abbey.


Using the healing power of touch, scent, sound and stillness, we will float into the hypnagogic state together.


Hyp•na•gog•ic (adj.)

Hypnagogia is the transitional state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep .


Enjoy a blissful mini facial experience with Certified aromatherapist and holistic skin therapist Cassandra Bradshaw (she/her) while I guide us through tranquil journey of healing sound. You will be invited to lay comfortably on your back using the support of the yoga props for ultimate relaxation.


The sacred sounds of the crystal sining bowls have a frequency that alter the brain wave state. It is possible through sound healing to reach the same brain wave state as REM sleep. This is extremely relaxing for the nervous system. The vibration of these sounds can help to clear energetic blocks and provide healing throughout the entire body.


Throughout our sound journey together, Cassandra will be able to spend time with each person to provide the wonderful gift of healing hands on touch. Intentional acupressure points on the face will be stimulated to encourage flow and chi— our life force energy—to decrease congestion and impart a radiant, healthy glow. A rejuvenating massage of the shoulders, neck, head and face will be intuitively created to support this restorative experience. Breathe in an organic blend of therapeutic essential oils and carrier oils that are chosen to support your skin’s natural ability to thrive and connect you with your heart centre.


Enjoy herbal tea after your session.


*we invite you to arrive with a clean, product-free face.

There are only 7 spots available per session.


Tuesday May 21st from 7:00-8:30pm

at Yoga by Abbey


Investment: $70.00

Full Moon in Sagittarius Circle

Join myself and Nancy Drope in this popular monthly experience tuning into the energy of the Full Moon at the Yoga by Abbey studio in St. Catharines.


This full moon is in the firey sign of Sagittarius!


This experience begins with an engaging astrology discussion with Nancy Drope, helping you to understand and integrate the themes of the full moon into your being.


You will receive your personal horoscope for this full moon based on your rising sign in astrology and get to interact with the oracle cards to help you set your intention for the evening.


I will then guide us through an intentional full moon yoga practice, exploring the themes of this full moon through movement breath and awareness. Together we will shift and move stagnant energy and release all that no longer serves our highest good!


Our yoga practice will lead us into a restful savasana pose, prepared to immerse ourselves in the healing vibration of sound. With the crystal singing bowls and the gong, Nancy and I will take you on a blissful sound healing journey, rejuvenating your mind body and spirit.


Conclude the evening by burning away what no longer serves you into the ceremonial burning pot. A truly empowering and transformative experience, all are welcome!


There is no experience necessary to participate in this powerful circle.


Friday May 24th from 6:30-8:30pm

at Yoga by Abbey


Investment: $60.00

Image by Ganapathy Kumar

Arm Balances, Headstands & Handstands

Flip your perspective with me in this 90 minute workshop experience focusing on arm balances, headstands and handstands. Together we will safely break down and work on postures such as crow pose (kakasana), crane pose (bakasana), side crow pose (parsva bakasana), firefly pose (tittibhasana), flying pigeon pose (eka pada galavasana), forearm stand (pincha mayurasana), headstand (shirshasana) and handstand (adho mukha vrksasana).


It is recommended that you are able to hold yourself up in a high plank position to attempt these advanced yoga postures safely. Whether you are new to yoga inversions or a practiced practitioner this workshop is sure to challenge your strength, bring you out of your comfort zone, and enhance your body awareness.


You will surprise yourself with how these postures feel when approached with the correct technique.


In this workshop we will work both independently and as a group, learning progressions that help us work towards each posture. There will be moments where you are able to work on the progression or step that you are on, while I come around and provide one to one assistance and hands on support to those who desire.


Enjoy a relaxing mini sound bath at the end of the session to rejuvenate your body after all your hard work!


This workshop includes free access to online tutorial videos recorded by Abbey to help you safely practice and continue your progress after the workshop.


Your safety is my top priority in this workshop. Previous to becoming an advanced Yoga instructor, I spent many years as a cheerleading, acrobatics and tumbling coach. I have experience with helping hundreds of folks safely learn to hold themselves up while upside down and am confident in my ability to support you!


If you have any questions about this workshop and if it is right for you, please email me directly at


Saturday May 25th from 11:30am-1:00pm

at Yoga by Abbey

Investment: $40.00

Hatha Yoga, Violin & Sound Journey

In this special session I will be joined by professional violinist Katrina DeRoche-Vermeer of Wandering Rhapsodies to bring you on a recalibrating journey of hatha yoga and live music, ending in an immersive sound bath combining the violin and crystal singing bowls.


This session will begin with a relaxing pranayama technique and lead us into a healing hatha yoga sequence. Hatha yoga is a style of yoga that focuses on connecting mind, body and spirit by experiencing each posture fully before moving to the next. Yoga props are provided to support you in your postures and help you relax deeper. During this time, Katrina will fill the room with the beautiful sounds of her violin, playing live for us as we enjoy each posture.


Our hatha yoga session will end in a savasana pose supported by props and with a blanket, readying us to fully surrender to the power of healing sound. As you relax on your back, Katrina and I will bathe your mind, body and spirit in the harmonious collaboration of the violin and crystal singing bowls.


The powerful frequency and vibration of these live instruments have the power to shift our brain waves into a theta or delta brain wave state. This is sometimes known as a "dream like state". This state is tremendously healing for our nervous system and thus the physical body, mind and emotions, and even the hormones we secrete. When we embrace this state, we become more receptive to the intentions we are setting for ourselves... like planting a seed deep within!

Enjoy a cup of herbal tea as you integrate your experience afterwards and connect with others.


There is no experience necessary to partake in this blissful session.


Tuesday May 28th from 7:00-8:30pm

at Yoga by Abbey


Investment: $45.00


Women's Circle

This special session is a sacred space for women to come together, honour the divine feminine and stand in support of one another on our journey.


The theme of this month's women's circle is vulnerability.


Our session will begin with a sacred cacao ritual, honouring our connection to mother earth and its abundance and embracing the heart-opening benefits of cacao. Together we will tune in and set an intention to bring forward in our healing sound journey.


We will then embark on a healing chakra-balancing sound journey together. Resting comfortably on the earth while immersing ourselves in the healing vibrations of the crystal singing bowls and other sound healing instruments. The powerful frequency and vibration of the crystal bowls help us to drop into a hynopagogic or "dream like" state, allowing us to make shifts at the subconscious level. Throughout our sound journey we will connect with each of the seven main energetic centres, bringing balance and harmony to each chakra.


After our sound bath, we will continue to sip cacao while taking some time to reflect on provided journal prompts and/or interacting with oracle cards. This will help us to integrate what comes up for us in our sound journey.


We will then open up the circle for group sharing . An opportunity to embrace the theme of this month's women circle; vulnerability. Together we will have a meaningful conversation around what came up for us in our session and reflection. Supporting and validating one another on our journey is a powerful way to heal.


An experience of connecting with likeminded women and honouring your sacred self!


Friday May 31st from 6:30-8:30pm

at Yoga by Abbey


Investment: $50.00

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